Wedding Week Day 2: Engagement Party

A few months after we got engaged – in February 2008- my parents threw us an Engagement Party. We had a ton of fun, and it was a great way to kick-off the celebrating- especially since we had an extremely long engagement of 14 months. We had the party at Williamson Brothers BBQ in Marietta, GA. If you have never tried it- be sure to soon, because it is the BEST BBQ in Atlanta. In the pic below, you can see the outside of the Marietta restaurant. The little section off to the right is the little room we rented to the party.

And here’s a sample plate of the deliciousness…

We had amazing food, good company, and lots of cute details like hand-written place cards that one of my mom’s friends made, classic coke bottles for drinks, square and circle tins with home-made brownies in them (as a party favor), and potted tulip centerpieces that my mom made that had childhood photos on Jason and I on them for decoration. For the party, we mainly just hung out each other and enjoyed our time together. Our dad’s gave brief little welcomes and that was about it. So all-in-all, very low key.

Unfortunately, this is the best photo of the table settings and decor I have….
As you can probably tell, I didn’t document this party very well :(. But here’s a few of the pics that I do have of us as a newly engaged couple with our guests. The first one is me and my lovely bridesmaids.
Here’s one of Jason, his brother Chris, my sister Kristen, and I.
And the last one is of us with both sets of parents.
 So that’s about it! Don’t forget to read post numero uno about our engagement. For the next post, I’ll write all about wedding planning – for all you girls out there…

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