We Draw to Learn CC Cycle 3 Science

CC Cycle 3 Science is Here!

I'm excited to share that CC Cycle 3 Science E-Book is now available to purchase! It's called "We Draw to Learn: Cycle 3 Science" and you can check it out on Etsy! This book coincides with the memory work that all Classical Conversations communities will be studying in the 2023-2024…
CC Cycle 2 Science is LIVE!

CC Cycle 2 Science is LIVE!

I'm excited to share that the second version of my drawing E-Book is now available to purchase! It's called "We Draw to Learn: Cycle 2 Science" and you can check it out on Etsy! This book coincides with the memory work that all Classical Conversations communities will be studying in…

A Christian’s Thoughts on Pride Month

In our social and cultural context in the United States, we have arrived at that time of year when government officials, corporations, organizations, companies, and individuals all bow their knee to gender ideology and declare their support for the LGBTQ+ by hanging rainbow flags and tweeting statements of support.…
We Draw to Learn

Introducing “We Draw to Learn”!

I’m excited to share that I’ve been working on a little side project in the nooks and crannies of my day as a homeschool mom. It is an E-book with step-by-step drawing instructions for Science Memory Work. The topics are Botany, Biology, Geology and work well for anyone using…