Year End Book Review 2014

So it has been a really long time since I have blogged.  Being a father and a husband takes a lot of time away from sharing tales of adventure from the life of the Baareman's and believe there have been plenty.  It's just hard to keep up.  But the…

Year End Book Review 2012

Per usual I have successfully achieved my resolution of reading five books per year.  This is usually the only resolution I make and I am still batting 1.000.  It seems to be a very manageable goal so why change what's working.  I not only meet the goal but I…

Jason’s Year End Book Review 2011

2011 Book ReviewIf you follow our blog, you will know that I really don't like to make resolutions.  But every year I have a goal of trying to read at least 5 books.  In 2010 I accomplished this feat, however, this past year (2011) I came up just shy…

New Years Resolutions

Read through the Bible in a year - Chronological version Have a quiet time and pray once a day. I'm trying to do this in the morning.Pray for global missions Post 15 blog posts a month - every other day January - Done on 1-27-2011Run 400 miles in 2011 - about 8…

Top 10 of 2010 in Photos

In no particular order, here's my toast to 2010 in photos. I'm really excited about next year - when I'll be able to link to other blog posts instead of racking my poor brain!1. We finished renovating the rental house - it's actually a rental house here in Augusta…

Jason’s Resolution Bucket

So everyone in the blogging world is making bucket lists and New Years Resolutions and blah blah blah.  And when Laura made her's, once again, I felt like I should join her in this venture as we tackle this blog thing together.  I honestly think that we are all…

Laura’s Bucket List

Since 2011 is about to begin, I thought today would be a great time to pen my first bucket list. I hope that this will be a list that I can come back to, add to, check things off, and even delete items if I change my mind about…

Year End Reading Review

Last year about this time, I made a goal for myself to read 5 books over the course of the year. This seemed like a pretty daunting task since most of my reading time involves reading rehab textbooks , which make you hate reading, so I didn't know if…

A Marathon of a Turkey Day

Well...our Turkey Day was a marathon indeed.  Probably the busiest thanksgiving of my life.  In fact it was so epically busy that I had to take time out of my vacation to describe the jam-packed November 25th that I experienced this year.  So here it goes...Laura's and my thanksgiving…