What I’m Learning in the Bible: Joshua Edition 1.1

What I’m Learning in the Bible: Joshua Edition 1.1

Welcome to another edition of What I’m learning in the Bible.  Personally, the particular passage we will look at today has impacted me the most so far this year and has been the major theme for me this year.

But first, some context.  In chapter one we saw the call for Joshua to lead and to finally begin to complete all that was promised to the Israelites.  The next chapter then describes the recon mission to scope out Jericho.  We see a couple of Israelite spies sneak into Jericho to scope out the city.  City leaders become alert to the intrusion and try to find these guys but a sympathetic Jericho-ian, Rahab, hides them in her house until the threat subsides and then let’s them out of her window down to the ground.  The spies return to the Israelite camp, but not before Rahab and the Israelite spies make an agreement that she and her house will not be destroyed when the city is attacked because of her assistance.

The spies return and give their report to Joshua.  Then the nation of Israel, under Joshua’s leadership begin to prepare for battle.  But first they must cross the Jordan river to enter the land.  And here is where we see a powerful passage.  Joshua 3:5.

“Then Joshua said to the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.'”  Joshua 3:5

The first thing we see in this passage is the word consecrate.  What does that word mean? Well, Daniel Webster provides a helpful definition in his 1828 dictionary.  Consecrate means to set apart, dedicate, or devote to the service and worship of God.  So Joshua is telling the Israelites to get ready.  Dedicate yourself to serving God.  Devote yourself to worshiping God.  Set yourself apart to be instruments of God.

Second, notice the tense of passage following the command to consecrate themselves.  …The Lord will do…  There is an outflow from God to those who consecrate themselves to God. Joshua is encouraging the people that when they set themselves apart for the worship and service to God, they are guaranteed to see God work.

Finally, the work that will be done will be wondrous and amazing. And it will be done among them.  Setting themselves apart will spur the Lord to move among and through them so that God’s glory will be known to them and to others.  Joshua is telling Israel that they will get to play a part in God’s working on earth!  And boy, what wondrous things they were able to partake in – crossing the Jordan river on dry land, watching an entire city crumble at the sound of trumpets.  Pretty awesome.

So what is the big take away?  Well, personally this passages really challenges me to ask the question do I see God working among and through me?  Can I see his handiwork in my life?  And if not why?  Joshua tells us the why. Maybe I haven’t surrendered or consecrated my life to God.  This passage really challenges me to assess my spiritual state and makes me desire to devote myself and to dedicate myself to worshiping God.  The outflow of that worship will be service and then I get to see God working and moving for His glory.  I get to play a small part in the revelation of glory to the world.

As believers, we need to remember to continue to devote, to dedicate our life to him.  We are his vessels to accomplish his mission and what an opportunity it is!

Do you want to see God work in you and through you?  Learn from Joshua and the Israelites. Consecrate your life to Christ, worship and obey Him, and watch what God will do.

To get caught up on the other topics you can click here for the intro and here for Edition 1.0


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