Why I Home School

Why I Home School

One silver lining to the Covid-19 quarantine for me has been the friends who have asked me for more information about homeschooling. 💗📚 I’ve been privileged to share with them with the resources that have helped me over the last 3 years as a homeschooling mom. So if you are out there and are curious about what it’s like to home school for the long-term please don’t hesitate to ask! Even if you’re just curious and don’t plan to actually home school. 😃

I know that the last few weeks have been FAR from easy or ideal for the many parents thrown into homeschooling. I can’t imagine having to switch daily plans and schedules or homeschooling without any time to prepare.

Life for us has changed a lot too. The home school life of the last five or so weeks has been much more isolated than average. We have missed our weekly activities and seeing friends.

I want to quickly share “why” we home school. This is not really meant to “compare” to traditional school because honestly we don’t really know what that’s like…and this is NOT meant to be a argument that you should home school, I just wanted to share if anyone is curious…

Homeschooling allows our family to:

  1. Teach each subject the way we want to teach it and at the pace we want to teach it. One of my children has a late summer birthday, so this has enabled us to put her in different grade levels for different core subjects (math and reading). For another child it means they are half a grade ahead and don’t even realize it!
  2. We can wait until they master a concept before moving on, or purposely move on and plan to revisit that topic later.
  3. We can teach all subjects with a Biblical worldview while still exposing our kids to a variety of different cultures and religions. We can teach many subjects together so my 2nd grader, and kindergartner and even 3 year old have been learning about the Middle Ages and Astronomy this year. I don’t have to juggle different subjects for each kid (except for Math and Language Arts).
  1. We can teach Bible as a core subject.
  2. My kids have LOTS of time with me and their siblings. Some days this is great, and some days this is challenging, but overall I’m thankful for the loads of time they get to spend together. It forces them to figure out how to have fun together.
  3. We can have as much or as little social interaction as we want. If I want my kids to see other kids their age every day of the week, the opportunities are here in the CSRA. There are tons of co-ops, science clubs, social meet-ups, and even extra-curricular activities during school hours set up for home-schoolers – like art, music, horseback riding, or gymnastics!
  4. We can stay up late and sleep in late! I know this isn’t necessarily what everyone wants to do, but I enjoy setting my own time schedule. For us that means we don’t really start school until 10:00 am most days 😬 but it gives us the benefit of easy, slow mornings and sometimes even a warm breakfast!
5. There are so many curriculum choices that you can find one for each subject that fits your family well. We love our history and science curriculum – they are interesting and have lots of optional hands on activities to choose from.
6. We have a “rest time” each day when the kids who don’t nap can read, listen to books or play quietly doing an activity that interests them.
7. We are ready and energized to do evening activities after school especially on the days when we haven’t seen friends yet.

These are just some of the positives, maybe I’ll share the negatives another day 😂😂 but in all seriousness, please message me if you’re ever interested in picking my brain about the world of homeschooling!

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