29-31 Weeks

(No – I didn’t plan wearing the same dress for both pics – apparently my wardrobe is limited!)

How Far Along? 31 Weeks! Only 9 weeks to go! 
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +19ish 
Baby Related Purchases: I had my first shower on Saturday – thrown by my super sweet work friends. So I got TONS of adorable  baby girl stuff! I absolutely love it all – can’t stop going through all the cute outfits! My parents got me a chair for the nursery which I am SOOOO excited about! Of course, Jason and I have been spending plenty of our own money as well! We bought pink gingham curtains, sheet set, and crib skirt for the nursery, as well as a crib mattress. We also bought all the paint and painting supplies for the nursery. We finished painting last night – just the white trim is left! 

Stretch marks: Don’t think so  – although I recently heard from some friends that it all happens at the end, maybe I should find some of that cream stuff…does it even work? 
Sleep: I left the snoogle at the lake house, from when we went there with some of our friends from college. So now, I basically am taking over the majority of our queen sized bed with my pillow barricade (to give me back support/keep me sleeping on my side). Poor Jason! 
Movement: More and more kicks! I love them and still get worried sometimes when I feel them less than normal. But what I have figured out is that she has days when she moves a lot and calmer days, and trying to pin down when she will move is just impossible. 
What I miss: Laying on my stomach, having a waist, getting to buy/try on normal cute clothes. 
Cravings: Nothing in particular, just lots of food in general. My appetite is definitely kicked up a notch these days! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Thankful for this! 
Gender: Girl! 
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Getting harder and harder to bend over. I have actually started to ask for help in this area – mainly from Jason. I have had two leg muscle spasms at night – which I heard are pregnancy-related. Super weird – the first one freaked me out, 2nd one, not really. One time when I was sitting on the couch, I got really severe like stretching pain in my stomach for a good 30 minutes. I couldn’t really move without intensifying the pain – again, kinda weird – but it went away. 
Belly Button In or Out? Partially “out” – I even had to try the band-aid trick when I work a dress this past week. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Feeling happy most of the time, I have loved getting more baby stuff and getting the nursery ready – although it has been keeping me very busy and made a bad blogger out of me! 
Worries: I am still worried – or think a lot about whether she will be healthy or not. I really hope that the rest of my pregnancy will continue to go well and that birth will go well so that our little baby can start her life off good, strong and healthy! 
Best moments this week: Since these are my only blog posts these days, I have a lot to say in this section! The weekend after Easter, Jason and I just hung around Augusta. On Saturday morning we went to Golden Harvest Food Bank with our Sunday School and had lunch at the Pizza Joint downtown afterwards. We also did some furniture moving. We moved the desk from the office to our family room, moved our bookshelf to the guest bedroom (temporarily), and Jason assembled the crib and dresser – while I went through the bills, did the budget, etc. That week, I got my haircut, and we got ready for our trip to the lake house with some friends from college. 

That weekend we met up with Angelyn, Michael, Teresa, Eric, Darryl, and Brenda to reunite for our annual lake house trip. Mainly, the trip was to say good-bye to Angelyn and Michael – who are moving to Memphis in a week or so! 🙁 Unfortunately, the boat was out of commission at the boat repair shop and the lake was extremely low, due to some repair work they are doing on the dam. So our weekend consisted of a lot of hanging out and talking, eating delicious food, going on a walk, playing croquet, some kayak rides, and some game playing. It was a great time to reunite and hear about all the exciting things happening in everyone’s life (Ex: House buying, House Hunting, Babies, Moving, Graduating from school, etc.!) I need to do a separate post about the trip and include the photos that my friends took! 

That next week, I had my 30 week doctors appointment and everything went well. I found out that I do not have Gestational Diabetes – so praise God for that! Seriously, I am so thankful for all the answers to my prayers that this pregnancy has gone well so far. It is completely in the Lord’s hands and I am amazed every day at his faithfulness.  I have never felt so dependent on God, and he has not let me down. 🙂 I also went to a Breast Feeding class at the hospital I will be giving birth at – and learned a lot/realized how much I have yet to learn over the next 9 weeks! Last week was pretty crazy and exhausting because Jason and I spent most week nights painting the nursery. 

This past weekend, we hung out with friends on Friday night, had dinner together, and played our favorite game – Settlers of Catan. We spent a lot of time talking about babies – I’m so thankful for friends that have little ones already who can give me some much-needed advice! On Saturday, Jason and I went on a mad cleaning streak to get the house looking semi-acceptable for my mom and sister who drove into town for my shower. Once they got there, we had a girl’s lunch at Pickle’s Cafe in Evans – that was actually really good. After that, we headed to my work shower. It was so much fun and deserves a post in itself. 

After the shower, we picked Jason up and went for a long walk along the canal before Kristen and my mom had to drive back to Atlanta. Then, I went to the dollar theatre with some friends to see The Vow – I had heard some mixed reviews about it – but I loved it! Totally worth $1.99! On Sunday, we did some more painting and relaxed around the house as well. 

Looking forward to: Jason is graduating in less than 2 weeks! I am so excited for him and for the time we will get to spend with family when they visit. 

Size of Baby: Weighing in at three-plus pounds and measuring 18 inches long, your baby is quickly approaching his birth length — though he’s got to pack on another three to five pounds before D-day. Also developing at an impressive clip: your baby’s brain connections (he’s got to make trillions of them!). He’s now processing information, tracking light, and perceiving signals from all five senses. He’s also putting in longer stretches of sleep, which is why you’re probably noticing more defined patterns of wakefulness (and movement) and rest (when he’s pretty still).

Get caught up!

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1 Comment

  1. I had leg spasms a lot when I was pregnant with my son. Luckily I haven't had them this time around. They stink don't they?

    You look great & I love the chair 🙂

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