Time to be Daderrific

So, it has been about a bajillion years since I have written a blog post.  Actually, I don’t think I have written one this entire year so far, which is totally unfair to Laura, although she did have way more things, thoughts, perspectives to talk about since being pregnant.  I mean let’s be honest.  The dude just kind of keeps on being himself through out this whole process while the wife is transforming into a baby machine.  But anyway, I thought I’d share what’s been going on from a “guys” point of view through out the whole pregnancy process in light of a recent Father’s day and Lucy’s soon arrival.

So way back in October, Laura ran into the kitchen and told me that she was pregnant.  After confirming for myself through visual inspection of the pregnancy test, I agreed.  Then, I just kind of froze.  Any dudes out there fixing to find out if they are having a baby…don’t do that. Even if you’re freaked out of your mind, somehow demonstrate excitement in your non-verbals.  Maybe a hug and a smile while you think to yourself  “what in the world just happened and what is going to happen!!”  It will make her feel better.  So after what seemed to Laura like an eternity of frozen demeanor (I think it was just a few seconds) she asked, “Jason, aren’t you excited?”  Cue to say, “yes honey, this is totally amazing!  I’m so excited!”  But that is not what was uttered out of my mouth.  I say to her with concern, “You better start taking at least 400mg folic acid right now.  I hope you have been taking some already because the neural tube is one of the first things to develop!”  Mistake numero dos.  Despite the truth in that statement, that is not what a newly pregnant woman wants to hear from her life long companion.  Haha, sometimes I can be so dense, I wonder why Laura married me.  Well despite my epic failures initially, after sometime to process this radical life change, I was happy and glad.

Now, over the past 9 months, we have had a lot of hilarious adventures.  From going to the county fair when Laura was freaked out the tilt-a-whirl was going to detach Lucy from the uterine wall to the filming of our video announcement which was super fun and awesome.  I think that project is what really made me excited and what made the fact that we were having an offspring a reality.  So while Laura was building a baby, I was still in my final semester of PT school on clinical.  It was really fun and early this year I could finally see the light at the end of a very long educational tunnel.  However, it dawned on me that in a few months, I would be done with school and a having a baby.  Cue job searching.  If you ever want some motivation to look for a job, have a baby and pregnant wife.  I promise you, you will diligently search for a job.  So I began that process through the early months of this year and spent most of my April spring break on job interviews.  Much good came out the diligence thanks nothing to me, but only the goodness of God.  And I was able to land a job in Augusta at Doctor’s Hospital Outpatient Rehab Health Center.  So with a job on the horizon, it was finally time to graduate…again.  I hope I don’t have to graduate again.  But it was fun and rewarding.  Family came in from Mississippi, Houston, and Atlanta to support me for which I was so thankful.  And then in the course of a few days, and some really weird graduation attire, the educational journey was complete.  I’m done!  Although, the celebration was slightly tainted by the fact that I still have the board exam to pass which I have been studying for the last several weeks (10 days left before exam and fingers crossed!).  Oh ironically, Baby Lucy is due the day before my board exam which was one of my freak out moments earlier this year.  But if she is anything like her momma, I got a couple of days cushion ๐Ÿ˜‰

So after graduation, I was able to start studying for boards and working part time at my new job all while Laura continued to progress with pregnancy.  And this is where I have been.  My life consists of preparing for the exam and finally providing some extra money to our budget for which Laura is definitely thankful!  Because we definitely used it to create a living space for Lucy.  Which is another point for dudes…the urge for a nursery is strong in a woman and it is something that we will never understand.  And after too much questioning, cross examination, and tears of anger and frustration from my bride, I finally discovered that it is indeed not for Lucy (my motto is “Baby don’t care!”) but for Mom.  So just do it…like Nike.  In the end she will be much happier!  Oh and also, pregnancy brain is real…don’t tell her it isn’t, and don’t tell her she’s moving slow…that’ll earn you the dog house!  Fun memories for us to laugh at later, I’m sure.

With the parenting fast on the horizon, Laura and I knew that we had to cram as much fun in the precious weeks before our life alters.  So for much May and early June we went to community events like Thunder over Augusta to see a jaw dropping pyrotechnic show, visited with family, went to the lake – for memorial day (in which Laura was gracious and let me put on a mini firework show since we will be out of commission for the 4th!) – and with friends, and to local baseball games.

And now, here I am.  Ten days away from my board exam, and 10 days away from Lucy’s arrival.  I can honestly say that I am excited.  I’m excited to meet her.  I’m excited to read books that have finger puppets in them to her.  I’m excited to see her peacefully dreaming.  I’m excited to teach her music.  And I’m excited for Laura to change all of her dirty diapers and feed her in the middle of the night (just kidding hon).  I think it takes guys about 9 months to finally be totally amped, but it does happen ladies, so be patient.  I often take a break from studying and just laugh that I have to now take care of this child because I literally have no idea what I’m doing…at all.  Some may say that is scary, I think it’s comical.  But with the help of great models of parenting on both sides, great friends, and the power of Christ, I’m sure that I’ll make it.

My parent’s got me this little onsie for Lucy that says, “I love daddy” for Father’s day and although I don’t know if she will love me, I know that I already love her.  So it’s time to be Daderrific!


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1 Comment

  1. This is an awesome post – love it! That little girl will love both of you, just wait until you see her eyes sparkle with pure adoration for you. And, one thing I'd add — your life doesn't have to end when baby arrives. We, too, crammed a lot in at the end, but the reality is that you can (and should!) get baby-sitters and go out together when baby is a couple of months old. Hell won't freeze over, the baby will be fine, and your sanity (and marriage) will be better for it!

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