Josiah is 1 Year Old!

Dear Josiah –

I predicted I would feel this way, and I do: I can’t believe you are already 1 year old! Your first year of life flew by in the best way possible – it was full of precious moments and things that challenged me for sure. They always say that little girls have their daddy wrapped around their finger, well, I think that I’m wrapped around yours😍. There is something special about a little boy and his mommy and I’m so thankful I’ve gotten to experience this kind of love💙.

During your first few months of life, you were perfectly delightful during the day, but you cried A LOT in the evenings. Looking back, I think that that was MY fault because I was trying to keep you awake too much during the day (out of fear that you would be awake in the middle of the night). If I remember right, it took you about two months to get your days and nights straightened out and to be more content before bedtime. After that period, you settled into your role as little brother, being dragged around to various activities when you probably would have rather been home all day. You’ve been a pretty good sport through it all – church on Sundays, weekly Bible Studies, Wednesday night church, gym visits, soccer practice, going to the pool and park in the heat, etc. Every baby is an adjustment for the whole family. Our family adjusted by staying home for you a little bit more than we otherwise would have. I think it has been a great lesson for us all, to put the needs of our family members ahead of our own wants sometimes.

Just like our other two children, it has been an absolute JOY to watch you learn and grow. All the monotonous work of the seemingly ENDLESS feedings, cleaning, diaper changes, laundry, etc. is completely worth it to me to see this little AMAZING person develop right before my eyes. You are a unique miracle created by God. You bring so much fun and laughter to our house as we watch you discover the world for the first time. Most recently it has been watching you learn to WALK! You have been our latest walker by far, but at 13 1/2 months you finally decided to try it out! It has been so cool for me to experience being a mom to three. I can’t believe that I have the same level of excitement for each child learning new things, but it just never gets old watching babies discover things like eating, walking, talking, etc.

And just like our other two, I have LOVED having a baby for this past year. Having a baby to hold, a baby to rock to sleep, a baby to snuggle, a baby to lug all around town 😂 and a baby to call my very own. I’m so underserving of this gift, but so thankful to God for giving you to our family. As much as I’m ready for you to support your own body weight (man you were getting heavy!), I am sad that this baby stage is over 😩

Josiah, here are some things I want to remember about you at this age (13 1/2 months)

  • You have given us major trouble at getting you to sleep through the night. The tricks we used with the girls  – that worked like a charm – were not so effective with you! You would sleep through the night for like 3 nights, then wake up again, and we had to start the process all over. I think/hope that we have finally turned a corner
  • You are a really good eater – you try pretty much everything we give you, but you are SO SO messy! You somehow manage to get food all over your clothes, even with your full-body bib, and also have figured out how to get your bibs off
  • You finally are 100% weaned as of 13 1/2 months 
  • You wake up around 7:30 and go to bed around 8:00. You are down to 1 nap most days – this nap is normally about 2.5 hours. You still nap twice a day a few days a week. 
  • You do great at the church and gym nurseries and don’t cry when I drop you off
  • At your 12 month visit, you were 21 lbs, 9 oz. (30%), and 29 inches (30%) You are wearing mostly 18 month clothes now. 
  • You LOVE being outside, you are almost always happy when you’re outside – even if you are stuck in a stroller or swing. You HATE it when someone is outside and you can’t be – you crawl to the door and cry. 
  • You love the water – you love baths, the pool, the water table. 
  • Just like the rest of the family you are loud, we are currently working on the scream that you use to communicate what you want. We are trying sign language…. 
  • Your main words are “More” “Mama” and “Dada” – I think you also try to say “All Done” and “Thank You”
  • You really like playing with trucks and things with wheels – this is a novelty in our house and really cute to watch! Today you played with a school bus, opening the doors and putting people in and out, and rolling it around the kitchen for like an hour!!!! 
  • You also really love toys you can ride on. Right now, your favorite toys are the Winnie-the-Pooh ride on car and the Alphabet Train.
  • You are not as well photographed as your sisters were when they were 1 – I blame myself as a busy, distracted mommy! I need to improve on that! You are growing up so fast! 

We love you so much Josiah and thank God for you always! We pray for you every day that you will know how much we love you, and how much your heavenly Father loves you. 
-Love Mommy 

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1 Comment

  1. Such lovely first birthday photos. The kids are always so cute and their first birthday is surely a big occasion for their parents. Even we threw a grand Mickey Mouse themed party for our angel’s first birthday and it was truly epic. We booked one of the huge event halls for rent for this bash.

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