Year End Book Review for 2017

Hello!  It's hard to believe that another year has come and gone.  And with that means another year of book reviews.  This past year I actually set a new goal with my reading and that new goal was to try to read a book a month.  This was a…

Lucy is 5 Years Old!

Dear Lucy -On June 25, you turned 5! We celebrated with a birthday party with all of your favorite things, The movie Frozen, arts/crafts, and cooking! We made Olafs out of marshmallows and pretzel sticks, painted picture frames, and decorated cupcakes. :)It has been fun to watch you grow…

Josiah is 1 Year Old!

Dear Josiah -I predicted I would feel this way, and I do: I can't believe you are already 1 year old! Your first year of life flew by in the best way possible - it was full of precious moments and things that challenged me for sure. They always…

A Time to Pray

First of all, a warm and heartfelt thank you, thank you, thank you to all you have donated in support of this trip!  A trip like this would not be possible without your generous support and thoughtfulness. And if your are reading this for the first time and curious…

Bridget is 3 Years Old!

Dear Bridget -I'm so thankful that you are my daughter! You bring joy, laughter, and sweetness to everyday. Here are some things I want to remember about you at this age.You started preschool at Trinity Baptist Church in the fall. You only went once a week but you really…

A Call for Help

Several months ago, I shared with y'all that I had the opportunity to take over our church's Global Medical Outreach (GMO) ministry.  I wanted to take a little bit of time and update you on what's been going on over the past few months because there has been a…

A New Year, A New Opportunity

I (Jason) have some exciting news to share at the start of this New Year.  God has given me and Laura an incredible opportunity to head up a new ministry at our local church, Warren Baptist Church in Augusta, Ga.  We are launching a Global Medical Outreach and I…

His Love is BIG

I was a guest blogger over the summer on my friends Liz and Angie's blog Hometown Honey. Here's the post!As I watched the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics a few weeks ago, I was mesmerized by how many countries there are in the world. Sure, there were the big…

Year End Book Review 2016

Years are going by so fast these days.  But with each passing year is another opportunity to tell you about the books that I read and whether or not you should read them.  I read some good ones this year that spanned different topics.  As always there is a…