What I’m Lovin’ Wednesdays: Week 3

It’s been a great week so far, here’s some things that I’m lovin’ today.

1. I’m loving that Jason and I got invited to go hang out at our friend’s family’s Beach House on Fripp Island this weekend! Can’t wait until Friday when I get to see the beach!

2. I’m loving the Enchiladas (my favorite!) that I made for dinner tonight. Sometimes the time and effort it takes to make something homemade pays off! YUM!
3. My work is having a fitness contest contest and one of the ways you can earn points is by not drinking caffeine. Given that I am pretty much addicted to Diet Coke, there is one thing that has sustained me during the past 4 weeks. Fresca! It has the cold fizziness that I love about Diet Coke, but without the caffeine – and no calories either! I know it’s not as good for you as water, but it still gets me going in the morning! BTW) – this pic just made me want to check out the other flavors…
4. I’m loving that my best gal pal Amy got engaged this week! Her fiance surprised her at the beautiful location of Yosemite National Park. Well Done! I can’t wait for the wedding planning to begin!
5. I’m loving the book Seeds of Turmoil by my parents pastor Bryant Wright. In the book, he traces the biblical and historical roots that have led to the Middle Eastern Crisis. I highly recommend it for those who want a deeper understanding of what’s going on in the news today.
6. I’m loving my guilty pleasure- The Glenn Beck Show. I’m been a fan in hiding for some time now – but I’m ready to come out of the closet. I’m not asking any of you to agree with me. I’m just being honest about the fact that his show on http://www.watchglennbeck.com/ has become an entertaining source of information about what’s going on in our country and world today. But if you’re a conservative- I think you would enjoy the show.
7. I’m loving a hubby who gladly does the dishes every night. Ladies- does it get better than this?!?

8. I’m loving Julie@The Smitton Minton’s Target Gift Card Giveaway! I’m definitely entering her first contest and you should too! I absolutely love Target – especially their new blue and white melamime dish-ware set I eyed in the store this week…

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  1. I'm loving your header photo…it's fantastic!!! I'm so happy you've come to the light (Glenn Beck) I think he is so controversial because he gives an overview that everyone else is afraid to speak of. btw…I've met him…in St. Louis last summer!!!
    Great blog and that mirror is wonderful…wonder if it would work for one of those "prop up against the wall kind of mirrors"???

  2. Mims

    Love the mirror!!! I have had the mirrors "waiting" under my couch for months after getting them one by one with my Michael's coupons!! Can't wait to finally get it put together and hung by my front door. Wonderful blog, one of my FAVS!!! 🙂 …also love the book/heart photo!

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