25 Weeks – 27 Weeks!

How Far Along? 27 and 1/2 weeks 
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +16ish 
Baby Related Purchases: Wow, since three weeks have passed, it is hard to say. At our garage sale, we sold our couch and one of our bookshelves. This freed up space for baby stuff- finally! Also, we made enough money at the garage sale to buy the dresser I wanted from Ikea last weekend! Yay! While I was in town for the wedding, I got an adorable little doll from my Uncle Mark and Aunt Jeanette, and lots of really cute clothes from my Grandpa Flores and Grandma Susan. At the garage sale, I got some wooden blocks from Angelyn that she was planning on selling. I also bought a little white stuffed animal that she won at the fairwhen I first found out I was pregnant
Stretch marks: Don’t think so 
Sleep: Depends, at this point, I need a barricade of pillows, or  the snoogle to sleep well, not on my back – Jason will never forgive me for when I made him sleep on the floor one night when we were in the Atlanta for the wedding. Problem was, we were both trying to fit on my little sister’s bed that was smaller than normal (I think a double). Sorry! 
Movement: Feeling more and more movement every day! It is getting stronger than it was at first. Last night, for the first time, I tried to get her to move by pressing on my stomach – and it worked! That was pretty cool. 
What I miss: I miss being able to enjoy margaritas and wine (esp. at my sister’s wedding last weekend) 
Cravings: I decided to admit that my main craving has been french fries. I have consumed more than I care to admit. I guess one awesome thing about pregnancy is that something that would have filled me up for days in the past (Ex: french fries, sandwich, and frosty from Wendy’s) fills me up just for a few hours now! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Thankful for this! 
Gender: Girl! 
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Main symptom is still backache’s sometimes at night, or on road trips
Belly Button In or Out? In – but getting a LOT shallower! I think having an “outie” belly button is going to be really weird! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Really happy lately about the wonderful sunny warm weather that we have been able to enjoy! Jason and I have already gone on quite a few walks and bike rides together. I love how it stays light later in the evenings.  
Worries: Main worry these past few weeks has been whenever I stopped feeling kicks for a day or so. That really freaks me out. Luckily, she always starts kicking again. I watched an episode of 19 kids and counting where they were talking about her miscarriage, and it made me really sad. ๐Ÿ™ 
Best moments this week: Lots of stuff happend over the last three weeks – hence the no blogging! One weekend we started off Friday night by watching “That Thing You Do” with the Vaughans, the next morning, I went to Atlanta, where I got some much needed computer help from my dad, and went maternity clothes shopping with my mom. I got a ton of cute stuff and she bought me clothes as well – including a really cute dress to wear for wedding festivities. On Sunday, I went to church with my family, we had lunch outside, I did more computer stuff with dad, then met with Greta and Kristen at the wedding venue (Paper Mill Grill in Marietta) to go over last minute wedding details. That night, I had dinner with Ben and Kristen and the fam before heading back to Augusta. That weekend, Jason stayed home to tend to stuff around Augusta. 

The next week, Jason and I spent A LOT OF time going through stuff/organizing stuff for the garage sale. We did garage sale prep Friday night and Saturday with the Vaughans. Unfortunately, our yard sale was not as well documented as it was last year – see blog post…. after getting up so early for the yard sale (which BTW, we were super lucky it didn’t get rained out), we went out to spend some of our earnings on FroYo ๐Ÿ™‚ On Sunday we went to church, had a cookout at church, spent more earnings on pine straw (to get ready for our masters renters), then capped off the weekend by going to see Hunger Games! 

This past weekend was my sister’s wedding! This really deserves a post in itself. Jason took lots of video footage, so I’m sure we will post it when he gets a chance to edit the video. I took Friday off, drove in on Thursday night, and got to meet Kristen’s new daughter-in-laws on Thursday night. On Friday morning, I worked out, prepped for my toast, we had the bridesmaids luncheon at the club, then I went to nails with Kristen, picked up her wedding dress, got ready for rehearsal, went to rehearsal, then we had the rehearsal dinner at Pappasitos – Jason met us there since he had to work on Friday. O Saturday morning, my mom, sister, and me went to salon to get hair and makeup done, headed to the wedding, got ready, had the wedding, then photos, etc.  On Saturday night, we hung out at the house with extended family from Texas (Uncle Mark, Aunt Jeanette, Grandpa Flores, Grandma Susan, and my cousin Jonna), I went on a walk with my mom (while the guys watched March Madness), and we had Pappasitos leftovers. On Sunday, the guys with golfing, the girls hung out, I worked out, then Jason and I went to lunch with the Baaremans. After lunch, the Baareman’s joined me on my search for the perfect fabric for baby girl’s curtains. First, we went to Fabric.com, which ended up not being a store front – like I had hoped, we then tried Forsyth Fabrics – where I found a pink gingham that so far is my favorite. Finally, we went to Ikea to pick up our dresser. After the Baaremans hit the road, just me and Jason went to Drews house to drop off some stuff he had left at the lake house. Then Jason and I went home and hung out by ourselves, since my family and Uncle Mark and Aunt Jeanette had gone to the lake house on Sunday. I had to drive home on Sunday night while Jason stayed back for some interviews.  
Looking forward to: July 1st! or whenever the due date is. Prior to that though, I’m looking forward to Jason’s graduation in early May! 

Size of Baby: This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She’s sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby’s brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning โ€” with a lot of medical help โ€” if she were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don’t bother her, so just relax and enjoy the tickle. 

Get caught up!

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  1. Glad things are going well for you! I love your updates. You look so adorable ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. FYI…,Fabric & Fringe Warehouse is a definite to look for fabric if you still haven't made the final decision. Also, don't rule out Fabric.com. They are great to work with and will send samples, etc. I have done tons of business with both! Textiles are one of my favorite fortes and obsessions!!

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