Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend.  What a great holiday to kind of kick off summer.  I view Memorial day weekend as kind of a warm up to the fourth of July.  It's a chance to perfect those grilling recipes, escape the heat at the lake, and just spend time with family.…

A Family Affair

Hello, blogging world. So, yes it has been sometime since anecdotes recorded by Jason have been posted for your enjoyment (or your horror). But I am back. Back with a vengeance; to tell you a story. A story that will hopefully captivate you and make you think about your…

Summer’s Birthday Party

A few months ago, my littlest sister Summer (she's the one with the blonde bob) had a Tea Party for her birthday. Jason used iMovie on our Macbook to create a really cute video, and I just realized that I never shared it with our fellow bloggers! My mom…

Spring Break 2011!

After a brief blogging hiatus - I'm back! Spring Break 2011 was a lot of  fun - well at least as much fun as it can possibly be when you work half of the week and your hubby is out of the country!After spending the night with friends on…

Top 10 of 2010 in Photos

In no particular order, here's my toast to 2010 in photos. I'm really excited about next year - when I'll be able to link to other blog posts instead of racking my poor brain!1. We finished renovating the rental house - it's actually a rental house here in Augusta…

Auld Lang Syne

Well, a very happy New Year to everyone. Laura and I certainly had a jam packed holiday as we reflected on the past year, made those ever so nasty resolutions, ate enough food to feed a small Mongolian tribe, and spent some quality time with family and friends ushering…